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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Can we text you?
Do you speak Spanish?
Are you serving as an individual or on an organization team?
Name of your organization, if serving on a team?
If you are a family group please list family members and ages so we can place you on an age appropriate project.
If serving on an organizational team please list other team members so we can make sure to group you together. (Encourage each team member to also register themselves so we will have their contact information to get all communication sent to them). Team leaders may also register their entire group if providing phone and email information for each person.
What specific skills can you or your group offer on Serve Day? Such as: Carpentry, Landscapting, Painting, Leadership Ability, etc.
What is your skill level?
What supplies and/or equipment can you or your group bring for use on Serve Day? Lawn Tools, Trailer, Power Washer, etc.
Some projects need a bit of preparation. Would you, all or part of your group, be available to do "pre-work" before Serve Day?
Other questions of comments about your Serve Day registration.
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