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Frequently Asked Questions

This is where you will find most answers.
If you still have questions, be sure to ask us.


How can my community get involved in this event?

Reach out to us on the contact link at We are available to speak at a city council or civic organization’s meeting and share how we can partner with you in making this event possible in your community.

Where can I get posters, yard signs and sign-up sheets?

Reach out to us on requesting posters, flyers or sign up sheets. Rodda paint is also a pick-up point for posters and yard signs. We can also email you an electronic copy of the sign-up sheet for you to copy at your workplace or church.

I want to rally a team of volunteers at my workplace, what is the best way to do this?

nt to rally a team of volunteers at my workplace, what is the best way to do this?

A—Choose someone to be your team lead. Send an email out to your associates telling them a little about the event and include a link to the Serve day website. (If you have pictures of your team from previous years, this also helps get people excited). Let them know you are organizing a volunteer team. Circulate posters in your break-room and leave a sign-up sheet on the table. Make sure to follow-up by asking everyone to register online at or return your paper sign up sheet by scanning it and sending it via email to the address at the top of the sheet.

If I am out of town or busy on Serve Day, can I help at another time?

Yes, we always have prep work and other tasks that can be done prior to the actual Serve Day. Reach out to us and let us know when you are available.

—I am unable to volunteer but believe in the mission of Serve Day. Can I make a monetary contribution to the cause?

We work solely on donations—both monetary and in-kind—to pull off this event each year. We have fixed costs such as insurance and website maintenance. Many of our recipients are elderly or disabled, and on a fixed income, so every dollar helps us accomplish more in meeting the needs in our communities. Just click on the donate button on our website and you will be taken to a secure portal to make a donation.

How many communities are involved with Serve Day?

Ontario, Nyssa, Vale, and Adrian, Oregon. Fruitland, New Plymouth, Payette and Weiser, Idaho

Once I sign up online to volunteer how will I get information as to which project I or my team is/are assigned to?

You will be emailed a project letter about a week prior to Serve Day telling you what your project is, the address of the project, what you will need to wear or bring (such as long pants, gloved, water bottle, tools, etc.). The letter will also tell you where registration is and what time to report.

—I submitted a project online to be considered for Serve Day. When will I be contacted to let me know if it was accepted?

Each submitted project is assigned an evaluator by our team. They will contact you and make an appointment to come by and discuss the specifics of your project and access if it falls within the perimeters of Serve Day. If it is accepted, a group of volunteers will be assigned to your project and they will come to your home or the project site by about 8:30 on Serve Day, unless another time has been scheduled with you.

Our youth group would like to participate but Saturday’s don’t typically work for a lot of our group. Can we participate on another day or on our regularly scheduled youth night.

Yes, we have many youth groups who are assigned projects at a time other than Serve Day. We would be glad to work out a schedule to have your group complete a project.

Can I choose which project that I will be working on?

We don’t list the projects on our website but in the volunteer link you will have an opportunity to list your skills and can comment on the type of project you would prefer. Our volunteer coordinator might also reach out to you via text or phone to discuss some options or find out more.

How long should I plan on when volunteering for Serve Day?

Most projects can be completed in 2-4 hours, so you will only be committing to about 1/2 the day.

I would like to get the date for next year’s Serve Day. Where can I find that?

Serve Day always takes place the last Saturday in April.